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Are You Offering House Calls This Holiday Season?
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Are You Offering House Calls This Holiday Season?

Are You Offering House Calls This Holiday Season?

People are still seeking hair and nail services outside the walls of our traditional salons because of the pandemic. There has also been an increase in mobile apps that are connecting a licensed professional to a client seeking a house call. As salon owners and independent stylists, you’ve probably thought about offering this service to your menu in 2020, but as virus cases are rising in many states, the question of how to manage your clientele during the holiday rush is top of mind for many. There are many things to consider if house calls are right for your business and safety.
Disclaimer:The information contained in this blog is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice on any subject matter.

Make Sure Your State Allows Offsite Services

Each state has its own regulations for offsite services and mobile salons, before you begin to offer this service, make sure that it’s something your state allows. However, many states have relaxed their regulations under the current pandemic circumstances but before you start booking house calls, make sure that you’re not risking your license. Consequences for violations vary and can include fines, loss of license, criminal charges, and in some cases, even jail time.

Get a Permit and Record Your Visits

Some states required a special permit or freelance operator license. There are often application and licensing fees associated with these permits. Be ready to provide detailed documentation to your state board, like, client addresses, services provided, disinfection and hygiene protocols, duration of the appointment, mileage, and proof of liability and auto insurance. Many state boards additionally require regular COVID-19 tests submitted as part of offsite documentation.

Update Insurance

Consider contacting your insurance carrier to update your policy to include coverage when you’re working offsite. Since you’ll be navigating variables in client homes like pets, kids, and a workspace not designed for professional services, if you spill color or someone trips on your tools, the last thing you want is a legal issue down the road.

Traveling & Client Preparation

Consider how to transport equipment and supplies from site to site and what sort of system you’ll use to plan and pack everything you’ll need for the day. Here are some questions to ensure you’re prepared:
  • Will you ask clients to wash their hair before you arrive? 
  • How will you disinfect your work area in their home? 
  • What kind of lighting will be available?
  • If you’re providing chemical services, what sort of ventilation does their home have? 
  • What additional tools will you need to purchase, such as portable card readers, portable shampoo nozzles, portable hood dryers, or disposable cutting capes? 
  • How will you pack and transport tools, equipment, and supplies between sites?
Preparation is key this holiday season, we hope this information will help you remain safe and proactive while we navigate through a different kind of year.

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