Hair ColorCreativity is at the core of what we do. To help you stay inspired, we created a hub with all your hair color needs. Our blog covers the latest trends, formulas, professional tips and inspiration.
Consultation is key. First, you need to be clear if blonde will work for your client – discuss their skin color and eye color. Next, maintenance, especially if you are lightening from root to end. Within 10 days, your client will see regrowth and he/she needs to know this.
You also need to explain toning and how to maintain the longevity of their tone in between salon visits. Are they comfortable using Color Fresh on themselves at home? Do they have the proper shampoo, conditioner, and mask?
Toners are not free, it is still a color service. Unless you add the cost of a toner in your lightening services, this is an additional service charge.
Are they willing to invest? Investing money and time may not be something they are willing to do. Help them understand that in order to maintain their hair’s integrity, you will not speed up their salon visit by putting them under a dryer with lightener, you will need to use Blondor Toners and a toner for every visit, and proper retail care, and they may be coming to see you more often.
Lastly, how long do they forsee being blonde? A question that is commonly missed and a shock to the stylist and client when the next time they come in, a color correction is needed.
Being open and honest about the commitment is key, your client will respect your professionalism and knowledge, while building trust.